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Zhao Gang investigates the construction of National Medical Center of the FAH

Updated: Mar 20, 2024
From: Xi’an Jiaotong University News network
Edited by: Liu Huiting

On March 14, 2024, Zhao Gang, Governor of Shaanxi province investigated the construction of medical and health system in Xi'an. He stressed that we should accelerate and improve high-quality and efficient medical and health service systems according to the work requirements by Shaanxi provincial party committee and provincial government, constantly elevate the medical and health service and guaranteeing capabilities and better meet the health requirements of the people.

Zhao Gang visited the First Affiliated Hospital (FAH) of Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) to deliver on-site investigation of the construction of National Medical Center, requiring FAH adhere to national construction requirement, coordinate various elements and resources, accelerate the construction progress of key projects, continuously improve medical quality and management and operational levels, and ensure that all indicators meet the standards and National Medical Center construction work should be proceeded in an orderly manner.

In the investigation, Zhao Gang stressed that it is necessary to put the protection of the people's health in a strategic prioritized position, seize the opportunities, promote the construction of National Medical Center, National Regional Children's Medical Center and national and provincial regional medical centers based on the actual conditions, vigorously drive the construction of key specialties, promote the revitalization and development of traditional Chinese medicine, and constantly expand the total quantity of high-quality medical resources in Shaanxi province. It is necessary to take the construction of an intimate medical union as an opportunity, strive to promote hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, divert high-quality medical resources to medical institutions at the grassroots levels, strengthen the coordination of medical services among counties, towns and villages, expand the team of grassroots medical and health professionals, and actively establish the "Internet + medical health" model, providing fair, accessible and systematic health services for the people. Efforts should be made to further improve the modern hospital management system, deepen the reform of public hospitals, improve the comprehensive supervision system of diversified medical and health industries, and ensure the healthy operation of medical institutions.

Lu Jianjun, Party Committee Secretary of XJTU, and comrades from relevant departments of Xi’an and Shaanxi province participated in the investigation.

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