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Home International Patient Service Emergency Content


Updated: Dec 21, 2017
Edited by: Liu Huitin

Basic Situation

Emergency medicine is an independent second-class clinical subject. Emergency Room of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University was established in 1956, and officially renamed Emergency Department in 1988. The Emergency Departmentof our hospital has made remarkable contributions to the health care of the broad masses of people in Shaanxi Province and northwest China over the past more than half a century. The past two decades have witnessed the Emergency Department growing rapidly thanks to the huge support and care ofall previous leaders. It now boasts a talented, professional team with spectacular insights in treating critical diseases and obstinate diseases. Emergency medicine, among all clinical medicine subjects, involves the most disciplines and treats the most sudden and critical diseases. It is characterized by the need to adopt the best treatment and the fastest and most efficient method to rescue and treat patients.

Department construction:the Emergency Department now has an array of well-established functional zones, including Emergency Room, ICU, EICU, Observation Room, Infusion Room, OperationRoom, Debridement and Suturing Room, Diagnosis Room, Treatment Room, Emergency Registration Room, Emergency Pharmacy, Cashier for Emergency Clinical Laboratory.

Staffing:the Emergency Department has now a total of 37 doctors, including 1 chief physician, 6 associate chief physicians, and 15 attending physicians. Doctors are divided by medicine and surgery. The Department has 102 nursing staff members, including 2 associate chief nurses, 6 executive nurses, and 16 nurses.

First Aid Equipment:the Emergency Department is equipped withfirst-aid equipments including full-automatic breathing machine, multi-function patient monitor, cardiopulmonary resuscitation instrument, CRRT, hemoperfusion machine, Picco, defibrillator, gastric washing machine, electrocardiograph, and infusion pump as well as central oxygen system, rescue facilities and stock first-aid medicines.

Scope of Medical Service

1. Treat and cure all kinds of accidental injuries like poisoning, trauma caused by car accident and other disastrous emergencies.

2. Diagnose and treat acute diseases or acute attack of chronic diseases.

3. Diagnose, identify and treat sudden symptoms like high fever, chest pain, hematemesis, hemoptysis, hematochezia, acute abdominal disease, headache, and coma.

4. Rescue emergency patients sent by pre-hospital care units (emergency center, 120, community and grass-root medical units).

5. Emergency treatment of cardiac arrest, asphyxia, acute poisoning, shock, multiple trauma, multi-organ functional disturbance, and various massive hemorrhage that can threaten patients' lives immediately or at any time.

Instructions and Procedures

1. The Emergency Department offers 24-hour whole–course medical services.

2. Critical patients whose lives are in danger are directly sent to the Emergency Room. No registration is required.

3. Other emergency patients (both medical and surgical) should first register for the Emergency Department, and then see a doctor at medical clinic and surgical clinic respectively.

4. Patients should observe doctors' advice for necessary examination and medical treatment, and pay corresponding charges.

5. Critical patients should be immediately sent into ICU, those to be kept in observation only need to complete simple procedures, while those with clear diagnosis should be immediately hospitalized. Temporary infusion beds can be offered to inpatients with milder clinical symptoms who need only transfusion and general treatment.

Characteristic Business Introduction

Emergency Department provides 24-hour services for general or critical patients requiring first-aid treatment, and opens Green Channel for emergency treatment. The Internal Medicine Division focuses on critical diseases and intoxication of all kinds, with a competitive edge in the treatment of AOPP and multiple organ failure. All doctors and nurses can perform immediate and precise rescue operations, for example, airway opening, tracheal intubation, CPR and external defibrillation. The Surgery Division, which focuses on the treatment of trauma and acute abdomen, has been a good support to other divisions in treating multiple injuries, head trauma, chest trauma, abdominal trauma and multiple fracture.


Emergency Room: +86-29-85323120 Emergency Room: +86-29-85323601

Transfusion Room: +86-29-85323602 Dispensary for Western Medicine: +86-29-85323604

Director: +86-29-85323606 Cashier: +86-29-85323609

Registration Room:+86-29-85323608


Travel Guide

Bus Stops near the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University Health Science Center-Emergency Department:

Xi'an Jiaotong University Health Science Center, Xi'an Jiaotong University Health Science Center (The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University), Xi'an Jiaotong University Health Science Center, Shaanxi Provincial Cancer Hospital (Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts), Xi'an Jiaotong University Health Science Center, Shaanxi Provincial Cancer Hospital, Jixiang Village, Xi'an Jiaotong University Health Science Center, Jixiang Village, Ziwu Road, Ziwu Road, Xibali Village, Luojiazhai Village, Jixiang Village, Ziwu Road, Xibali Village.

Buses near the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University Health Science Center-Emergency Department:

Bus 503, 710, 631, 709, 106, 203, 5, 18, 217, 30, 321, 605, 933, 713, JYZX, 401, 726, 36, 618, 706, 410, 204, 46, 716, 14 Shuttle, 14, 400, 508, 34, 504, 24, 407, 509, 313, 922, 225, and 921.

Taxi Fare:

A taxi in Xi'an charges a base fare of RMB 6 for the first 2.0 km, and RMB 1.5 for each subsequent 1 km, with an additional BAS of RMB 1.0 (not applicable to a trip measuring less than 2.0 km).

Next:System of Emergency Green Channel

Copyright (c) 2011, First Affiliated Hospital of Xi 'an Jiaotong University Shaanxi ICP for 12009712-3