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Professor Mu Jianjun's team makes significant progress in the field of SBP-TTR and arterial stiffness

Updated: Jan 14, 2025
From: Department of Cardiovascular Medicine
Edited by: Liu Huiting

In January, 2025, Professor Mu Jianjun’s team from the First Affiliated Hospital (FAH) of Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) published the latest original findings as an Original Research entitled "Long-term Time in Target Range for Systolic Blood Pressure Since Childhood and Midlife Arterial Stiffness" in JACC: Asia. FAH is the first and corresponding affiliation. Associate researcher Wang Yang and PhD. Qi Han from Beijing Anding Hospital of Capital Medical University are the co-first authors. Professor Mu Jianjun and Professor Zhang Ling are the co-corresponding authors.

Based on the data from Hanzhong Adolescent Hypertension Cohort Study, the association between systolic blood pressure (SBP)-Time in Target Range (TTR) and arterial stiffness risk in midlife over 36-year follow-up since 1987 regarding TTR as the novel blood pressure management index. This study revealed that the risk of arterial stiffness exhibited a gradual decrease with increasing SBP-TTR over the 36-year follow-up. Compared with the participants in the lowest quartile of SBP-TTR from childhood to midlife, those in the highest quartile showed significantly reduced arterial stiffness risk in midlife. Subsequent gender stratification analysis showed that men in the highest quartile of SBP-TTR demonstrated a markedly lower arterial stiffness risk than those in the lowest quartile, whereas this effect was not observed in women. These findings demonstrate that higher long-term SBP-TTR from childhood to midlife plays a critical role in lowering the risk of arterial stiffness in midlife, suggesting that continuous monitoring of SBP-TTR may be one of the effective approaches for high-quality blood pressure management and cardiovascular risk monitoring. In addition, JACC: Asia published an Editorial Comment indicating that it underscores an important message: maintaining SBP within an optimal target range from early life through adulthood can offer substantial benefits.

Effect of SBP-TTR since childhood on midlife arterial stiffness

This study was conducted as part of the Hanzhong Adolescent Hypertension Study, a long-term hypertension follow-up cohort study. The data from nearly 5000 schoolchildren aged 6-18 years from 26 rural areas in 3 towns in Hanzhong, Shaanxi, China were long-term monitored and 7 follow-up visits were performed in 1989, 1992, 1995, 2005, 2013, 2017, and 2023, resulting in a maximum follow-up period of 36 years. Based on this cohort study, the team has published a series of high-quality original research results in top-notched journals, such as JASN in 2018, EClinical Medicine in 2022 and 2024, Hypertension in 2022 and 2023, and JACC: Asia in 2025, respectively.

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