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The 11th-batch medical experts from FAH depart for Malawi

Updated: Jan 11, 2024
From: Publicity Department
Edited by: Liu Huiting

The year 2023 marks the 60th anniversary of China dispatching its first medical aid team abroad. By the end of 2023, the First Affiliated Hospital (FAH) of Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) has sent 38 batches of medical aid teams of 132 members abroad, including 31 batches of 122 medical staff to Sudan, 1 to Vanuatu, 1 to Cameroon, and 5 batches of 8 staff to Malawi, respectively. Medical aid covers multiple disciplines of internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, traditional Chinese medicine, nursing and engineering technology, etc.

At the end of 2023, the 34th batch of China medical team to Sudan initiated by FAH received the honorary title of "National Advanced Collective for Medical Aid Work Abroad", the only collective from Shaanxi province. On behalf of the 34th-batch Chinese medical aid team to Sudan, Guo Yong, Director of Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office and leader of medical aid team, was cordially received by General Secretary Xi Jinping.

At the beginning of 2024, with the approval of National Health Commission, Zhang Junlin, Party Secretary and Director of Health Commission of Shaanxi Province, made a mobilization speech and awarded the flag to the medical aid team. Shang Jin from Department of Radiology and Zhang Ning from Clinical Laboratory are about to implement national medical aid missions in Malawi as the 11th batch of medical experts from FAH.

Before their departure, He Pengcheng, Director of the United Front Work Department, conveyed sincere gratitude and blessings to two comrades on behalf of FAH.

Wang Xiaoqin, Director of Clinical Laboratory and Vice Chairman of the Labor Union, Niu Gang, Director of the State-owned Assets Office and Deputy Director of Department of Radiology, Zeng Xiaoyan, Deputy Director of Clinical Laboratory, Bai Liping, Director of the Labor Union Office, and Xu Xu, Deputy Director of Department of Human Resources, saw them off at Xi’an Xianyang International Airport, hoping that Shang Jin and Zhang Ning can successfully complete medical aid missions!

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